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The Founder's Award recognizes Arrowmen who have given outstanding service to their lodge. The award is reserved for an Arrowman who demonstrates that he or she personifies the spirit of selfless service, as advocated by founder E. Urner Goodman and cofounder Carroll A. Edson.
In 1986 our lodge decided that there were a few individuals that continually went above and beyond the normal call of duty. These men always gave themselves in unselfish service and devotion to the lodge. The lodge decided to give back to them and make them honorary lifetime members. They were given a special flap outlined with gold foil and their dues were paid for life. In 1993 our lodge once again bestowed upon a few individuals this honor. Those individuals are as follows:
The practice of awarding 'Lifetime Memberships' is not approved by the National Order of the Arrow. Our lodge no longer gives this 'award' to its members. However, as a lodge we still want to recognize these persons for their outstanding leadership to Aracoma 481 over the past 70 years.
Awards and Recognition

Jerry Rogers - 1986
David Wilson II - 2007
Charles Lahay - 2007
Jordan Hammons - 2008
Clifton Homan - 2008
Andrew Duncan - 2009
Matt Duncan - 2010
Erik Nelson - 2010
Jacob Walker - 2011
Rob Fikes - 2011
Hayes Looney - 2012
Christopher Sentell - 2012
Wayne Harris - 2014
Nathan Giles - 2015
Mike Duke - 2015
Cameron Wyatt - 2019
Kevin Warren - 2019
Jerry Rogers - Troop 89
Walter Davie - Troop 89
Monty Newman - Troop 89
John Price - Troop 28
Erik Nelson - Troop 7
Gresham House - Troop 44
Steve Shelton - Troop 43
J.A. Matthews - Troop 117
Carl Hoobler - Troop 126
Chris Holloway - Troop 89
Chris Sentell - Troop 89
Jon Hall - Troop 117
Allen Kipp - Troop 26
Luke Lindsay - 2020
Nick Hildreth - 2020
Jim Lindsay - 2021
James Ford - 2021
Ginger Green - 2022
Alan Snyder - 2023
Warren G. Finney - 2002
James Ford - 2012
John Price - 2017
Rob Fikes - 2023
The Warren G. Finney Camp Horne Service Award is given to an individual that gives unselfishly of their time, talent, and resources to the betterment of Camp Horne. The Warren G. Finney award was first given in 2002 to the namesake of the award, Mr. Warren G. Finney.
Mr. Finney was a lifelong scouter in the Black Warrior Council and was dedicated to the constant improvement of Camp Horne. The amount of time and resources that Mr. Finney gave to Camp Horne cannot be measured in minutes and hours or dollars and cents — it can only be measured in the 1,000's of lives that he touched. Both adults and youth, even to this day, are able to see Mr. Finney's handiwork all over Camp Home.
Read the history behind the award here.
E. Urner Goodman Award

Aracoma Lodge was awarded the E. Urner Goodman Award in 2001
The award was established in 1969 as a tribute and testimonial to the Order's founder, E. Urner Goodman.
Its purpose is to encourage and challenge Order of the Arrow members and lodges to increase their effectiveness in promoting and increasing Scout camping in each council.
Awards are presented to two outstanding lodges in each region annually. For a lodge to be eligible for consideration, the E. Urner Goodman Camping Award petition should be completed and forwarded with the lodge's charter renewal application.
Centurion Award
Centurion Award
Warren G. Finney
Jordan E. Hammons
For nearly 100 years, the Order of the Arrow has purposefully recognized Scouts and Scouters who best exemplify the Scout Oath and Law in their daily lives. Therefore, our organization’s centennial provides a unique opportunity to commemorate those among us who are exemplars of the “high ideals and purpose of the Order of the Arrow.” The Centurion Award aims to highlight “Hometown Heroes,” or Arrowmen who have meaningfully contributed to the forming, maturing and ongoing operational excellence of their local council’s lodge, and who, in doing so, inspired others to follow in their footsteps.
This award is a one-time recognition associated with the centennial anniversary of the OA that is bestowed by the national Order of the Arrow committee. It is modeled after a similar program in the BSA’s 100th anniversary celebration, the 2010 National Hall of Leadership. Accordingly, this recognition is an opportunity to highlight lodge development over the last century and the many individuals, both youth and adult, who were instrumental to this success. These honorees will serve as exemplars of leadership, modeling to others a commitment to cheerful service as the Order of the Arrow enters its second century.
Southern Region Camping Award
In 2012, the Southern Region OA Committee developed the “We Support Camping Award”. The award’s purpose is to encourage and incentivize lodges to sharpen their focus on camping support within their council. As Scout camping is central to the Order’s purpose, the award criteria are designed to be challenging. To meet this challenge, lodges must demonstrate leadership, service, and financial assistance to their local council’s outdoor program. To date, nearly 50 awards have been presented to Southern Region lodges.
Since the 2016 program year, the award criteria have been updated to more closely align with those of the E. Urner Goodman Camping Award. In this way, qualifying lodges would continue to gain regional recognition for their camping support, while providing a larger annual pool of applicants for the E. Urner Goodman Camping Award
The program was discontinued after the 2021 year due to the restructure of the BSA.