Indian Winter has been moved to February 21-23, 2025. See the below link to register for the event!

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History behind the
Warren G. Finney
Camp Horne Service Award
This award is given to individuals who have the same mindset and belief in giving back as Mr. Finney did. While the amount of time and resources he gave to Camp Home may never be achieved by anyone else, we should all aspire to leave a legacy as honorable as Mr. Finney's - everything was done for and with the youth of this council in mind.
After presenting Mr. Finney with the award in 2002, it was decided that it would not be given out for a minimum of 10-years as to show the amount of dedication it takes to even be considered for this award. The award is not an annual award, however, it may be awarded on an annual basis or on an as deserved basis from 2012 forward.
It can only awarded to no more than one individual per calendar year and the recipient must be a current member of the Order of the Arrow. The first award was given out through a combined effort of the management of the Camp Home summer camp program as well as the Council Camping Committee. It was decided in 2002 that beginning in 2012, Aracoma Lodge would administer the award from that point forward.